We started helping artists in 1992, through the not-for-profit advocacy organization Rap Coalition, and nothing has changed. The artists’ career is our #1 priority. Our entire team is dedicated to building your buzz and your fanbase alongside you. Our reputation and track record are solid. We show you how to do this properly, and introduce you to other trustworthy companies and people who can effectively help you succeed. Why lose money in this industry when you don’t have to? Why bump your head when we’ve already done it and can show you the right path!


We show you who to trust in this industry and hire only proven, trustworthy companies. We then work with you, hands on, to show you how to get to the next level. Our relationships become your relationships. Your career continues long after our job is done. This industry is not intuitive—it’s not easy to find your way. You need specialized knowledge and access, and it helps to have someone who has done it before, successfully, leading the way for you, cost effectively.


We have helped build the careers of hundreds of independent artists throughout the US. Some have gone on to sign financially lucrative deals with major labels, while most have stayed successfully independent.


This is an expensive industry. We believe in maximizing your budget while achieving goals and success. Teaching artists and their teams how to build a career in the music industry while helping you actually do it is our first priority. So basically, instead of feeding you, we teach you how to fish. We want you to become self-sufficient, and make money with your music.